Monday, November 5, 2007


I stayed at home all weekend.. because of the weather..I planned to shopping on Sunday, but when I woke up, I saw it snowed strongly.. I gave up my shopping. I slept all I worry about today night because maybe I won't sleepy..I should see a movie for long night..ㅡㅡ


Jin said...

hi, Sujin.
I'm the first person who leave comment in your blog.kkk
Now a days, you look really tired.
please, cheer up! fighting!
Also, I always thank you for sharing your lunch with me!!!
so, see you tomorrow~^^

Kevin said...

Hi..this is Kevin
Were you suprise about my age??
I got hurt...
How come did you say like~~~

AS Jase said, I'm a thorny person..
Be careful yourself..kk
(just kidding, you know?)

Anyway, I'm gonna watch beautiful Sujiny in the emperor and four guardians..kk