Sunday, November 18, 2007


I went to TD spaure, because the weather is getting cold. I had to buy a winter jacket.I just brought some coats from korea. It's my wrong choice. Most clothes discounted 15% without one product that I want to buy, so it's more expensive than others. I was in torment between expensive and cheaper products. Finally, I decided one that is more expensive.After that, my boyfriend bought me shoes, because my birthday coming soon. ^^
So now, I'm very happy even though spent a lot of money today.
Thank you for your present♡
I will wear the shoes unitl become dilapidated.^^

1 comment:

Jeff L. said...

We have a saying, "you get what you pay for" if you buy something cheap, it probably won't last too long. It's important to have warm clothes for the winter here!