Monday, November 26, 2007

A devil wears PRADA

I've seen a devil wears Prada in listening class today. I already knew about that movie, but I didn't see. I thought that the movie might be interesting, so if I have a chance , I hope to see someday. we are going to see the movie in this week. My listening teacher will stop the movie frequently and teach us vocabulary of the movie . That's why we will see it whole this week. I expect about next story.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I went to TD spaure, because the weather is getting cold. I had to buy a winter jacket.I just brought some coats from korea. It's my wrong choice. Most clothes discounted 15% without one product that I want to buy, so it's more expensive than others. I was in torment between expensive and cheaper products. Finally, I decided one that is more expensive.After that, my boyfriend bought me shoes, because my birthday coming soon. ^^
So now, I'm very happy even though spent a lot of money today.
Thank you for your present♡
I will wear the shoes unitl become dilapidated.^^

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I just finished PowerPoint of my grammar presentation now.
I worry about my presentation, because I'm shy of many people. It's my big problem to speak English. I'm not shy of my friends, but my face turns red in front of many
people. I had better more confidence, more outgoing. I think I improve my grammar,writing skills, but my speaking skill is a little improve. I already know how to speak English well. It's difficult to try. Nowadays, I miss my city, and friends, family. Do you think am I falling into a slump?? I have to find methods how to get out of a slump. I think I'll find something new experiences. The ski season coming on us. I don't know how to go ski, but I can learn in record time. just my opinion..^^ I hope to enjoy ski myself.. I'm looking forward to going sunshine with my classmates.

Monday, November 5, 2007


I stayed at home all weekend.. because of the weather..I planned to shopping on Sunday, but when I woke up, I saw it snowed strongly.. I gave up my shopping. I slept all I worry about today night because maybe I won't sleepy..I should see a movie for long night..ㅡㅡ

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Su jin

Welcome to my blog !!